Is Elizabeth Edwards A Victim?

She says she knew he had this affair in 2006 and yet she encouraged him to run for the presidency anyway and she knew he was lying to reporters about not having an affair with Rielle Hunter.

I say she’s culpable for allowing John’s lies and for encouraging his reckless bid for political power that was destined to blow up.

Mickey Kaus writes:

How big a victim is Elizabeth Edwards? A decision tree: Did John Edwards

A) finally come clean in his Friday evening Nightline interview! … or

B) choose, when caught out in a lie, to recklessly erect a second edifice of BS regarding at least 1) whether this was his only affair; 2) when this affair started; 3) when it ended; 4) whether it was going on in mid-2007 when Rielle Hunter’s child was conceived; 5) whether he thinks he might be the father; 6) whether he actually wants a paternity test; 7) why he visited Hunter at the Beverly Hilton; 8) whether he knew and/or tacitly approved of payments to Hunter and putative father Andrew Young. …

If you opt for B–perhaps citing this, or this–you face a second, more interesting speculation: Why did Edwards tell his new lies? Were they

i) the same lies he told his wife, Elizabeth–that the affair ended in 2006, etc.–so the Nightline‘s Story #2 was really an attempt to save his marriage now that his political career is over or

ii) lies designed more to preserve the possibility of a political comeback some time in the future by admitting only to a "short" affair, before his wife’s cancer recurred, that did not involve any questionable campaign practices (such as using contributions to give your mistress a job that allows her to travel with you)?

It’s not surprising that People magazine’s new cover story portrays Elizabeth Edwards as the anguished victim motivated by "her determination to keep her family together." People is basicaly working from script (A), the one John Edwards undoubtedly wanted the MSM to work from when he prepared for Nightline. The Excruciating Anguish of Elizabeth (who "pushed her husband to finally come clean") would be a logical part of that PR strategy whether or not Edwards was telling the truth to Bob Woodruff.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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