Monthly Archives: August 2008

Holiness Does Not Require Perfection

Rabbi Dan Fink writes: Because I was the rabbi’s son, I learned that holy vessels are made from the same mud and clay as everything else. Clergy kids rarely share the attitude of reverence that most people of faith bring … Continue reading

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A Woman Leads Kiddish At Bnai David

Reb Mimi Feigelson, who some say was the first woman ordained an Orthodox rabbi (99% of Orthodox Jews would not recognize any woman as a rabbi), led the shul kiddish one Shabbos morning three weeks back. Leading the kiddish has … Continue reading

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Sarah Palin Heats Half Of The Homes In Alaska

Jeff Taylor writes that Sarah is so hot that… Bob Dole threw his Viagra away after seeing her on Glenn Beck’s show. Bill Clinton just offered her an internship. Half of all homes in Alaska are heated by her. Palin … Continue reading

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Barack Obama Pretends To Be Julius Caesar

Jack Shafer writes: "Grandiose visuals—I’m thinking of those aired last night as Barack Obama pretended to be Julius Caesar at the Colosseum, collecting accolades from the people after smashing the Gauls—short-circuit even the most jaded voters’ cognitive functions. The only … Continue reading

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James Dobson Says He’ll Vote For John McCain

From Dennis Prager’s radio show today: Earlier this year Dr. Jim Dobson, President of Focus on the Family made news when he announced on “The Dennis Prager Show” that he “cannot and will not vote for Senator John McCain.” Today, … Continue reading

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