Monthly Archives: August 2008

The Texan Girl

My friend Pascal and I were reminiscing about sharks. To more precisely share his feelings, the frog sent me this: Wilder, than a dozen hungry tigers She played the baby cat, just to get to my heart Clever, as a … Continue reading

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John Edwards Suckered Millions

I don’t understand why Democrats aren’t furious at this guy. He could’ve snagged the nomination and then become dead meat. If you gave money to John Edwards, weren’t you suckered? He lied to you. He deceived you. He could not … Continue reading

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Shootsac: Excellence and Style

I am not a professional photographer, though I take plenty of photos at the many press events I attend. I would also bet that my skills – practice does, indeed, make perfect – have improved markedly over the years, through … Continue reading

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Olympian Objects Of Desire

From the Times of London: The chaps who win gold medals – even those as geeky as Michael Phelps – are the principal objects of desire for many female athletes. There is something about sporting success that makes a certain … Continue reading

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Amazing Grace

Steve Rowitt emails: Dear Luke,   It would be really nice for you to actually do some homework before sharing your thoughts with the world. It was John Newton who wrote Amazing Grace and was one of the major influences … Continue reading

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