Monthly Archives: July 2008

The History Of Mixed Seating

Rabbi Shlomo Brody writes in the Jerusalem Post: The controversy over mixed seating was undoubtedly one of American Jewry’s most controversial and divisive issues. Since both the Orthodox and Conservative movements claim allegiance to ancient practice, some tried to resolve … Continue reading

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Email Overload

From the Los Angeles Times:  Nor is e-mail always friendly — it can be confrontational in a way that talking usually isn’t. "If we’re having feelings with someone else that we need to confront," says therapist Firstenberg, "many times we’ll … Continue reading

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Like Mother, Like Son

I email documentary director Yael Katzir ("Praying in Her Own Voice"): What are the major similarities and differences between your filmmaking technique and Dan‘s? Do you have a favorite movie of his? In which direction do you want him to … Continue reading

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The Kindly Jew

So I’m walking down the street Wednesday (circa 6 pm) untangling difficult Talmudic passages in my head when I come upon an old lady kneeling in the grass. She’s in high heels but one shoe is off. Her bags are … Continue reading

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When The Earthquake Hit Yesterday, Did I Pray?

Nope. It didn’t even occur to me to pray. I don’t bless people either. I have a friend who goes around saying blessings, and we should send blessings, blah blah. I don’t talk that way. Don’t ask me to bless … Continue reading

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