Monthly Archives: July 2008

Libertarian Economist On Dennis Prager’s Radio Show

Click here for the July 15, 2008 show. Twenty minutes in. Dennis: "If there’s a stupider group in America than bankers, I would like to meet them. I’ve come to the conclusion that banking is too important to leave in … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Interviews Financial Columnist Robert Samuelson

Click here to listen. It’s 20 minutes in. July 14, 2008. Robert says the government is bailing out Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac. "They are providers of mortgage credit. If you are as old as I am, you remember the days … Continue reading

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Is Marc Gafni A Rabbi?

His favorite self-description these days is "spiritual artist." He writes on I received Ordination many years ago from a well-regarded Orthodox institution in New York. Contrary to some rumors, that Ordination was never revoked. I retain a letter on … Continue reading

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My Dialogue With Marc Gafni About Reputation Online

The videos of our dialogue are here and here and here and here and here. The book (The Future of Reputation: Gossip, Rumor, and Privacy on the Internet) underlying our discussion is here. Here’s a selective transcript of what I … Continue reading

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Sleaze Stops Edwards From VP Possibility

From the Times of London: SCRATCH John Edwards off the list of potential vice-presidential candidates. The former White House contender, who had been hoping to get the nod from Barack Obama, is in the midst of a full-blown sex scandal. … Continue reading

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