Monthly Archives: July 2008

The Kitzur Shulchan Aruch – A Book To Put You Off Judaism

One of the first Jewish books I studied was the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch. Marc B. Shapiro writes: "When I was young everyone seemed to study it. It has been reprinted numerous times and also translated into many languages. According to … Continue reading

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Studies in Maimonides and His Interpreters

Marc B. Shapiro has a new book out: "Studies in Maimonides and His Interpreters"   Included in the book is a short "Note on Maimonides and Muhammad" following censorship that occurred in his "Islam and the Halakhah," Judaism 42:3 (Summer … Continue reading

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I’m Boycotting The Summer Olympics

I want to protest China’s treatment of Tibet and the situation in Darfur (that regime is propped up by the Chinese commies). You won’t see me at the opening ceremonies or any ceremony in China. I’m taking a moral stand. … Continue reading

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The Klinik

Here’s a new documentary from Burt Kearns and his business partner Brett Hudson: “I don’t want to make a film that says the American way is bad or doesn’t work. Doctors here do great things.  They do save lives. “I … Continue reading

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Obama’s VP List Gets Shorter

From the Charlotte Observer: Or, as an Opinion blog on the L.A. Times web site said Wednesday, “Barack Obama’s VP shortlist might have gotten shorter.” Don Fowler of Columbia, a former Democratic National Chairman, agreed. "Any kind of report like … Continue reading

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