Daily Archives: June 13, 2008

What Is The Point Of Theater?

I ask Broadway producer Avi Borenstein: "What does the medium do better than movies or TV or the novel?" Avi replies: Let me offer an analogy. Why does anyone go to a football game in a stadium on a cold, wet … Continue reading

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Jewish Education

George D. Hanus (chairman of the Superfund for Jewish Education and Continuity, the World Jewish Digest and the Jewish Broadcasting Network) writes: Where are the Jewish Federations? They are allegedly the central community charity chests in every local community. There … Continue reading

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Pat Buchanan Argues The Allies Were The Bad Guys In WWII

Jason Maoz writes for The Jewish Press:  Pat Buchanan is back in the news with the release of his new book, Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War, which argues that World War II, with all its death and destruction, was … Continue reading

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The Role Of Race In Gang Violence

From the Los Angeles Times: Los Angeles’ two top lawmen are increasingly at odds over the extent to which gang violence is being fueled by racial hatred. Police Chief William J. Bratton and his top deputies have long cautioned that … Continue reading

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David Suissa On A Tragic Fall

David Suissa writes in this week’s Jewish Journal: Bianca Khalili died on Memorial Day when she fell off a balcony on the 15th floor of an apartment building in Century City. Bianca was 17 and was in her senior year … Continue reading

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