Monthly Archives: June 2008

The Scariest Time In Courting A Woman…

…is when you move in for the first kiss. If she rejects you then, the odds are good she’ll always reject you and you’ll be stuck in that dreaded friends category (which is almost impossible to escape from, it’s far … Continue reading

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The Role Of Midrash In Orthodox Jewish Education

I heard a talk decrying the use of midrash as a literature co-extensive with the Bible. Midrash is not so much scriptural interpretation as homiletics (inspiring stories), said the Orthodox rabbi, citing Maimonides. When we treat midrash as equal to … Continue reading

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Rabbi Weil Is Like Captain Spock With A Rolodex

He runs the starship Beth Jacob and will soon pilot the Orthodox Union. He has a powerful roladex and can get things done with a call or two. A body needs to shipped to Israel for a quick burial? Rabbi … Continue reading

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The RCC & Corruption

Jane calls. "I just curse the day I took my case to the RCC. They are so corrupt and biased. The RCC rabbis sit on these different boards, they have so many entanglements, and I feel like the big donors … Continue reading

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Cool Your Ardor For Ripping Rabbis

Rabbi Noson Weisz writes for Moses was the man who gave us the Torah. A blemish on his character automatically detracts from the authenticity and weight of the Torah. Lashon hora always gets out, no matter how private and … Continue reading

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