Monthly Archives: May 2008

Orthodox Judaism’s Conversion Controversy

To quote Toby Katz, commenting on Cross-Currents: The RCA is upset because so many RCA rabbis have done conversions that they never should have done — converting women who had no intention of ever keeping mitzvos, just so they could … Continue reading

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Is Your Computer Running Slow?

I’ve done a lot of things for my computers over the years, but the single best thing I’ve done is spend about $18 for Advanced Registry Optimizer. My PC has been running sweet and fast eversince. From its website, the … Continue reading

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Ruth Rosenfeld Sues Abraham Joshua Heschel Day School For Wrongful Termination

The complaint (BC390751) was filed May 13, 2008 in Los Angeles Superior Court.

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The Clintons & Race

Evan Gahr writes for Human Events: Former New York City Mayor Ed Koch likes to call himself “a liberal with sanity.” Koch tends to casually blurt out entirely logical opinions which invariably offend what should be any liberal’s core constituencies.  … Continue reading

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How Rabbis Waste Time

Rabbi Daniel Pressman of Saratoga, CA, tells Slate: "People always e-mail me stuff like, ‘Oh, Rabbi, you should see this article,’ or, ‘Click on this YouTube link, there’s a funny Passover video.’ The job itself provides opportunities for wasting time. … Continue reading

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