Monthly Archives: May 2008

I’ve Caught The Dreaded Bird Flu

How do I know? Because I’ve started talking bollocks and I can’t park the car. zappa:  Did you know the late Mahatma Gandhi suffered from very poor health? zappa:  Oh, yes. He was too thin, had constant problems with sores … Continue reading

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Why Should I Be Holier Than The Pope?

I was asked today how I feel about davening. I hate it. Is that the wrong answer? I don’t care for ritualized prayer because it is repetitive. You just say the same words over and over again. That’s no fun. … Continue reading

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My Worst Experience At Delice

I’ve been going there for two years. It’s a delicious kosher restaurant on Pico Blvd just east of La Cienega. It’s a popular hang out for frum Jews. I take my cheap dates there. I usually order the same thing … Continue reading

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Orthodox Jews Burn Copies Of The New Testament

Brad A. Greenberg writes: And you thought reaction to the Messianic Jew who wanted to compete in the Bible Quiz was ugly. Orthodox Jews pull a page from Nazi playbook in this AP report: Or Yehuda Deputy Mayor Uzi Aharon … Continue reading

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‘The Torah’s Antipathy To Equality’

Dennis Prager was asked to contribute to a men’s commentary on the Torah. His essay is on the Torah’s antipathy to equality. For instance, the doctrine of choseness (that the Jews are God’s chosen people) is contrary to equality. Listen … Continue reading

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