Daily Archives: April 17, 2008

Only Jews Who Don’t Know Who They Are Want To Build Bridges To The Black Community

If you are leading an observant Jewish life, you don’t have time to build bridges to other communities. How can you eat with them? You can only do it in a kosher restaurant. You can’t eat on their turf. Jewish … Continue reading

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My New Beginning

This will be my first porn-free Passover in six years, and only my second porn-free Passover since 1995. I was so far behind with my research in 1996, I was watching hardcore on holy days. For professional reasons purely. I … Continue reading

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Another View On Yossi Shereshevsky

A rabbi writes: Levi, Not sure how you get the best scoops on these stories (Mordechai Gafni, Isaac Hersh), but your info seems the most complete. Regarding "Sherry", what we called Yossi as a teenager, here’s the other side of … Continue reading

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I’m Cleaning For Passover Live On My Cam!

Click here to join the discussion. DesmondFord:  Howdy! Today, I watch in cold silence. This is my only statement. yourheartsdesire:  what is he doing doesnt he realisehe as people watching yourheartsdesire:  if he goes to that bloody fridge or bathroom … Continue reading

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