Monthly Archives: April 2008

Chabad Rabbi Joseph Mishulovin Vs. Hanna Gamson

Rabbi Mishulovin owns Atarah’s — a Judaica bookstore on Fairfax Blvd. He was the owner of Chabad of Mid-City and was the head of Cheder Menachem (a big Chabad day school on Pico Blvd near Doheny Blvd). Case Type: Other … Continue reading

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For This, The MSM Ignored The Rielle Hunter Story?

More on the John Edwards – Rielle Hunter story here. Mickey Kaus writes: We Ignored the Rielle Hunter Scandal and All We Got Was This Lousy Op-Ed! Elizabeth Edwards has a bushelful of chutzpah chastising the mainstream campaign press for … Continue reading

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It Was Long And Hot

I’m referring to my Passover. Like all Jewish holidays with the extra day of yom tov (holy day) because we live in the diaspora, it was more of an endurance test than a spiritual uplift. I want to join Dennis … Continue reading

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Damian Chapa On His New Movie ‘Polanski, Unauthorized’

On April 23, I talk to director Damian Chapa after the premiere of his movie "Polanski, Unauthorized." The interview begins three minute into this video. Luke: "How do you think Roman Polanski will feel about this?" Damian: "I hope he … Continue reading

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Rabbi Ephraim Bryks – Marriage Counselor

Vicki Polin writes: Case of Rabbi Ephraim Bryks (Brooklyn, NY) – This makes me sick! What more can we do to protect innocent people from becoming the next victim of Rabbi Ephraim Bryks?  How is it that after all … Continue reading

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