Monthly Archives: February 2008

In Bronx School, Culture Shock, Then Revival

Elissa Gootman writes for the New York Times: Junior High School 22, in the South Bronx, had run through six principals in just over two years when Shimon Waronker was named the seventh. On his first visit, in October 2004, … Continue reading

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You Can Now Listen To My Blog!

Click on the audio button at the top of each post to have my wisdom drop into your ears like honey. This is so exciting for me that I want to write something truly inspiring, words that can be trumpeted … Continue reading

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FBI Transcripts: David Ehrenstein Telephone Log

From The Festering Swamp: Ehrenstein [Pink Mountain Snake, "PMS"]: Darling, it’s the python. Where’s my mouse? Unidentified communist agitator [UCA}: I killed Kennedy. PMS: Well, he looked dead when I left him but that’s only because I wore him out. … Continue reading

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Bruce Nadler, Nip/Tuck Workout Author, Dead at 61

Kate Coe writes Feb. 6, 2008: In a true-life Nip/Tuck episode, Bruce and Terri Nadler were found dead of gunshot wounds in an apparent murder/suicide, earlier this week. The bodybuilding boards are all abuzz. Dr. Nadler had been a noted … Continue reading

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Charges Dismissed Against Chabad Messianist

From so you know it’s true: On the night of Kinus Hashluchim, Rosh Chodesh Kislev, 5767, a unprovoked violent pogrom was perpetrated in Lubavitch World headquarters – 770 Eastern Parkway. The violence, which was publicized on many media outlets, … Continue reading

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