Daily Archives: February 28, 2008

Orthodox Rabbis Of Pico/Robertson: Don’t Stop Believing!

I’ve made a tribute video. It’s the least I could for those who have given us so much. Many of you must wonder how I make such amazing multi-media creations. I use camstudio.org. It’s free. It’s awesome. It’s easy. It’s … Continue reading

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My Creativity Knows No Limits – I’m Making Slideshows

My slideshows for the premieres of 27 Dresses and Step Up 2. Camera of Death archives.

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Teresa Strasser Engaged!

Teresa Strasser writes: There’s nothing more smug and insidious than a girl who has finally fallen in love and thinks she now has all the answers. She can save you from your sad, pathetic, damaged love life and cure you … Continue reading

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Moderates Win Out In Pico/Robertson Kashrut Battle?

A Modern Orthodox bloke says: "A Yasher Koach to the 3 Rabbis involved for keeping our area free of the right wing radicals. Pico/Robertson’s rabbis at the three major Modern Orthodox shuls email: Dear Friends, We are pleased to inform … Continue reading

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Open Season On Jews

The Jewish Press blogs: You think what’s happening in Sderot, where Jews are being torn apart by crudely designed rockets on an HOURLY basis, isn’t lighting a fuse under anti-Semites all over the globe, including within the two "great democracies"–UK … Continue reading

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