Daily Archives: February 25, 2008

Mommy’s Little Secret

From the Globe and Mail: As we gather to mark the festive season, here’s one juicy morsel mom won’t be dishing up: that guy you call your dad may not be. DNA testing has revolutionized medical science, CAROLYN ABRAHAM reports, … Continue reading

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Knock Yourself Up, a new book from the US, has provoked outcry by encouraging women to become single mothers, without men, through artificial insemination

Stefanie Marsh writes: Here comes a book, from a progressive corner of the United States (Brooklyn, New York), that tells us that a single lesbian has had a baby with an anonymous sperm donor. About which many British people would … Continue reading

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Not tonight, dear . . . in fact, not ever

Dr. Pam Spurr writes: Emily, 37, is a successful solicitor with a husband and a two-year-old son. To her friends, she doubtless lives a charmed existence. But recently she sat across from me in a life coaching session. She was … Continue reading

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Khunrum emails: "Great article below. In Asia it’s not just the bar girls who are putting out but practically all the girls. My young buddy Phil was boffing a beautiful Thai Muslin coed but first had to buy her a … Continue reading

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The Big Event Live: Banned

Rabbi Gil Student writes: Last week, there was a ban published in Hamodia that declared an upcoming charity concert by Shloime Gertner and Lipa Schmeltzer to be forbidden (link). Frankly, I have no patience for bans and don’t understand why … Continue reading

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