Daily Archives: February 13, 2008

Obama’s Rhetoric Vs. McCain’s Reality

From Dennis Prager: Wednesday February 13, 2008 H1: This Is the Man We Want to Entrust with Our Security? With Dennis Prager Prager H1: Barack Obama sides with Chris Dodd on FISA, that is, he wanted to give the trial … Continue reading

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Like On A Pole? No, Silly, Ilyse Baker Has A Hot Bod And You Can Check It Out Spiritually At Sinai Temple

It is stories like these that remind me yet again that Pico-Robertson’s Orthodox shuls are falling behind the times with their Saturday morning programming. If you gave me a choice between watching Ilyse Baker dance and trying to talk to … Continue reading

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Jewish Journal Sends Its Second Stringers To LimmudLA – I’m Freakin’ Sick Of The Way They’re Treating Danielle Berrin

So big deal. The Journal‘s sending its Editor Rob Eshman and Managing Editor Susan Freudenheim to LimmudLA. They’re both married. What good will they do me? I’ll trade you Rob and Susan for Danielle Berrin and a player to be … Continue reading

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I Want To Apologize To The Abos!

Figuring this is the best way to get a date on Valentine’s Day, Your Moral Leader will apologize to indigenous Australia’s stolen generations when his blogging resumes next month, but will not establish a compensation fund. Mr Ford said his … Continue reading

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Your Moral Leader Can’t Stay Away From You

In my latest video, I channel Gloria Estefan and the Miami Sound Machine to convey an important message about love and commitment.

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