Daily Archives: February 20, 2008

McCain’s Female Lobbyist

Last Dec. 20, I was speculating via email that John McCain’s lobbyist scandal about to break in the New York Times was a sexual one. Here she is, Miss Vicki Iseman: email From Matt Drudge: FLASHBACK: MCCAIN PLEADS WITH NY … Continue reading

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Adsense Founder Eytan Elbaz Is The Next Maimonides

I interviewed him for 40 minutes at his Beverly Hills mansion this afternoon. Video He won $25,000 from MGM and YouTube for making this PSA promoting tolerance. He then donated the money to the Museum of Tolerance. You can see … Continue reading

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Jewish Love

Here’s a report from the front lines: This guy was hitting on my friend via IM. "I have the lulav and you have the esrog" "I’m going to light your shamesh" "I’ll put the poppy seeds in your hamentashen" "Jelly … Continue reading

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Ron Rifkin’s Jewish Journeys

LimmudLA weekend in Costa Mesa: Video of Ron Rifkin On Sunday morning, actor Ron Rifkin, 69, talks about his Jewish journeys. Raised Orthodox, sent to yeshivot, he’s never been to Israel. "I don’t travel well." He left Orthodox Judaism at … Continue reading

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Action Man: Wedding bells at Lucha VaVoom

Liam Gowing writes: I took the plunge and instantly obtained my ministerial credentials. Then, after consultation with Lucha VaVoom, I volunteered my services on Cupid’s big night to "loving, committed couple[s] in possession of a valid wedding license looking for … Continue reading

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