Monthly Archives: January 2008

Luke, The Love Doctor

Joe emails: I’ve got a problem… And I think you’re the only person who would understand. I have a crush on…. Not that weird crush some guys get where they go out and buy all of one girl’s DVDs, but … Continue reading

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Where have all the men gone?

From the Times of London: Men are like eggs. They must hatch or go bad. I came to this conclusion after seeing in the new year with a gang of university friends and hearing one of them, a single guy … Continue reading

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Haredi Women Wear Burqa in Beit Shemesh

From FailedMessiah: The Forward picked a up a story from its own blog, which in turn picked it up from Jameel at the Muqata, who himself got it from Ha’aretz. Who is that veiled woman shown above? A haredi woman … Continue reading

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Is McCain A Conservative?

From Dennis Prager: Thursday January 31, 2008 H1: Is McCain a Conservative? With Dennis Prager Prager H1: Dennis talks to Ari Fleischer, former presidential press secretary, about last night’s debate and the upcoming Super Tuesday primaries. John McCain took a … Continue reading

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Economists Dissect the

I align myself with the economists on this story from the NYT: WASHINGTON — You can kill a horse to make pet food in California, but not to feed a person. You can hoist a woman over your shoulder while … Continue reading

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