Daily Archives: February 22, 2008

‘I Must Warn You That The Last Woman Who Did That To Me Got Pancreatic Cancer!’

‘Nuff said.

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LimmudLA Panel Discussion On The Jewish Future Between David Suissa, Josh Neuman, Clive Lawton and Arna Poupko Fisher

Panel Videos — loving scratching squeezing each other! Sunday morning after breakfast, I run into Heeb magazine publisher Josh Neuman. I tell him I’m expecting great things from him at today’s panel on the Jewish future. He says he doesn’t … Continue reading

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When Is It OK For A Rabbi To Call A Lady A ‘Crack Whore’?

JewJew posts to the Jewish Journal forums: There is NO EXCUSE for calling women sluts, whores and crack whores for the exclusive reason if a rabbi finds them not to be Jewish women. I am so disgusted at his language … Continue reading

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Beverly Hills PD Says Persian-Jewish Brother Shot Brother

The Jewish Journal reports: Alfred Hakim, 49, an Iranian Jewish resident of Beverly Hills, was allegedly shot Wednesday night by his 47-year-old brother, Adel. According to the Beverly Hills police department, officers responded at 9 p.m. to a call of … Continue reading

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George Patton As A Hasidic Rebbe

There are all these books about Moses or Joseph as a political leader and Moses as a great CEO, etc, but never the other way round. Why not a book on Napoleon as a Hasidic rebbe or Ike Eisenhower as … Continue reading

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