Daily Archives: February 12, 2008

Camera Of Death Vs. Jane Russell & 16th Annual Movieguide Faith and Values Awards Gala

Stills: Stuttgart’s Miss Muffin Blind Band Blind Band Blind Band Dr. Kim Jane Russell Jane Russell Jane Russell Jane Russell Jane Russell Jane Russell Jane Russell Jane Russell Jane Russell Jane Russell Jane Russell Eric Close Eric Close Eric Close … Continue reading

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Norman Finkelstein welcomed to LA by Jewish Defense League

Brad A. Greenberg writes: I just got done attending a lecture at Cal State Northridge by Norman Finkelstein, the author of "The Holocaust Industry" who resigned from DePaul University in September after being denied tenure and then last month praised … Continue reading

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Remind Me To Never Read Another Shakespeare Biography

They’re all boring. Even a talent writer such as Bill Bryson can’t put together anything compelling because we know so little. Oh, you say we know more about Shakespeare than almost any contemporary. Well, big deal. It’s still drips and … Continue reading

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The Secrets Of The U.S. Seal

During high school, I fell in with a bunch of conspiracy theorists from my church. They warned me about the Freemasons and the Illuminatti (nothing negative about the Jews however). I read about 20 books on the Kennedy assasination that … Continue reading

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Camera Of Death Vs. Bottom of the Barrel Film Premiere ‘Grapes on a Vine’

Stills: Onira Tares Onira Tares Onira Tares James Lewis James Lewis James Lewis James Lewis Video Interview With Onira Tares With a dozen other photographers, I showed up to the Magic Johnson Theaters in Crenshaw this afternoon for the 1 … Continue reading

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