Daily Archives: January 10, 2008

The Power Of A Public Declaration

I was thinking about sneaking back to porn this weekend to earn a quick quid interviewing a few hookers in Vegas but just as I was sighing with relief and counting the money and the handjobs, I remembered my public … Continue reading

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Nick Hornby Is Back

I thought Nick Hornby was losing his touch with "When She Was Good," but in his latest novel, "On The Way Down," Hornby’s once again hilarious. Hornby has a blog. He writes Nov. 20, 2007: On my recent book tour … Continue reading

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Screw The Jews In Cuba!

I ask a friend what’s new. He says he may visit his girlfriend in Cuba in a few weeks. "Then [I] will turn to one of my abandoned manuscripts, either Jews in Cuba or Internet Dating." I say, Screw the … Continue reading

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SanJoseCondos.Blogspot.Com Will Be My Salvation

You snooze, you lose. I am now the proud owner of this valuable domain. "San Jose Condos" has a KEI (Keyword Effectiveness Index) of 4,337.3 though only a top bid of $4.31 on Google Adsense. There were 1,800 searches for … Continue reading

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Making It

Reb Hymen writes Luke: I must admit to being of two minds on your recent attempt to monetize your web site (which is what we AARP folk call blogs).  On the one hand, it increasingly looks like a mess, a … Continue reading

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