Daily Archives: January 2, 2008

A Nation Under God: Jews, Christians, and the American Public Square by R. Meir Soloveichik

Rabbi Gil Student blogs: There is a blockbuster new issue of The Torah U-Madda Journal with some fascinating articles. The entire issue is available online for download (link): "Mah Enosh": Reflections of the Relation between Judaism and Humanism by R. … Continue reading

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Maureen Dowd’s Girly Ways

Evan Gahr emails: Do you ever read Maureen Dowd’s column? What do you think? I’m reading her book which is really just a longer version of her column. It’s sort of incongruous the way she adopts this girlie tone and … Continue reading

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Back To Porn

Fischel emails: Given the comments about how you should talk about porn, you could say that, bowing to reader requests you are going to talk about porn…and then put up posts about bike porn, car porn, furniture porn, the furniture … Continue reading

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Mocking Kids

From the Los Angeles Times: When it comes to the right or wrong of slinging insults at innocent youths, celebrity blogger Perez Hilton is blunt. "I don’t feel bad at all," he says of posts on PerezHilton.com that poke fun … Continue reading

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Budapest’s Jewish Quarter

Nicholas Kush writes for the New York Times: KIRALY STREET in Budapest has staked claim to the title of hip new spot with its restaurants and fine boutiques, but there’s more to the city’s once-gritty District VII than this one … Continue reading

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