Daily Archives: January 25, 2008

The Torah Corral

God chose the Jews to be the Master Race of mankind. However, He soon realized that this had cruel consequences for the less intelligent goyim of creation, so to protect them from the depredations of the Jews while still providing … Continue reading

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We All Have Our Demons

From Dennis Prager: Friday January 25, 2008 H1: Blacks Turning against Bill With Dennis Prager Prager H1: Are blacks losing trust in the “first black president”?.. Dennis plays some highlights from the Republican Debate last night and comments.    Length: … Continue reading

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Will journalists

Will Bunch writes: I’m going on 49 years old, and I have a lot of friends around my age who have survived the surge in newsroom layoffs and are still working in an ink-stained newsroom somewhere. Not one of us … Continue reading

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Ends And Means

Here are some new poems and commentary by my new friend (we’ve never met in person, only by email) Dr. Gershon Hepner: Ends and Means The ends may justify the means providing you achieve your ends, but don’t expect to … Continue reading

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Mexico City Rolls Out Women-Only Buses

How can we get more of this type of behavior in America? How can we get more poverty, illiteracy, illegitimacy, corruption, welfare dependency and criminality? Hmmm. Wait. I know. Let’s import more law-breaking immigrants and appoint them to key political … Continue reading

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