Daily Archives: January 28, 2008

What Percentage Of Orthodox Jews Take Their Cases To Secular Courts Rather Than Religious Courts?

A Jew is supposed to resolve his issues within the community and not look to the goyim and their legal system for redress. I say, can’t we all get along? If you’ve got a problem with somebody, don’t sue him … Continue reading

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Welcome To America!

Lewis Fein’s brother Barry blogs: I remember it like it was yesterday, coming to America via Ellis Island. I had my ticket pinned to my sport coat. We were in search of a better life. A life where my brother … Continue reading

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I Love Brad Greenberg

Whenever I worry about letting someone in my life, I just send them to Brad A. Greenberg’s profile of me in the Aug. 3, 2007 Jewish Journal. It is very economical. Most women are scared away. The rest I visit … Continue reading

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Give Me The Pudding And No One Gets Hurt

Lewis Fein’s brother Barry has a blog: barryrides.blogspot.com. There’s a poignant photo of young Lewis with his brother. "I think my brother was showing me love in the same way Lennie would show a rabbit love." Barry writes last May: … Continue reading

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‘Married Life’

I caught this comedy of manners at Sony tonight. Tagline: Do you know what really goes on in the mind of the person with whom you sleep? Plot: A 1940s-set drama where an adulterous man plots his wife’s death instead … Continue reading

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