Daily Archives: January 6, 2008

It’s About Standards

Rabbi Yaakov Menken writes: I was as surprised as anyone to see “Gentile Lubavitcher refused conversion” in the Jerusalem Post. While it may be true that the belief that a deceased individual is the Messiah is foreign to normative Judaism, … Continue reading

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Too Much Information

Rabbi Yaakov Menken’s Cross-Currents.com is a gorgeous blog. I’m relaxing with it Sunday evening after a day in which I had the TV on for eight hours so I could watch football with the sound off while simultaneously listening to … Continue reading

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Mickey Kaus Pulled Over In New Hampshire On Suspicions Of Pimping

He blogs: "Gave three women a ride to their motel from the Radisson. Was pulled over by police who suspected we were … part of America’s growing service sector. Where is Ron Paul when you need him?" Mickey blogs: I … Continue reading

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An Agenda For Modern Orthodoxy

Rabbi Gil Student writes: R. Barry Gelman, author of the recent book Irresistible Judaism, presents an agenda for Modern Orthodoxy in the current issue of The Jewish Week (link). What follows is my summary of his points (in bold) along … Continue reading

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Plastic Surgery Videos

Financing Plastic Surgery New Lens For Alternative To Laser Eye Surgery Plastic surgery scandal, growth, deterioration Celebs before and after plastic surgery. Plastic Surgery teen supermodel Plastic Surgery Without the Surgery, Makeup Techniques PLASTIC SURGERY: CROSS ACNE SCARRING TREATMENTS JOURNEY … Continue reading

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