The Power Of A Public Declaration

I was thinking about sneaking back to porn this weekend to earn a quick quid interviewing a few hookers in Vegas but just as I was sighing with relief and counting the money and the handjobs, I remembered my public declaration of Oct. 23.

As Wikipedia puts it: "On October 23, 2007, Ford announced he had sold and its contents for an undisclosed sum to an undisclosed party.[8] "Any writing I do on the porn industry from now on will be for publications with no porn advertising," Ford said. All entries since the sale have been by the site’s new owners."

I’ve invested too much in going in a new direction. I’d lose what remains of my self-esteem if I betrayed myself.

But then again, maybe it would not be my true self that would be writing on porn. It would be Amalek. I’m a Jew. I can always blame Amalek!

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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