Daily Archives: January 14, 2008

Obama’s Afro-Centric Church

Mickey Kaus writes: Undernews Alert: It’s hard to believe that Obama’s Afrocentric church—with its troubling attack on "the pursuit of middeclassness"–isn’t going to be an issue in the campaign, soon. There are already wild, inflammatory emails circulating, apparently. … Update: … Continue reading

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Death & Taxes

From Dennis Prager’s blog: Monday January 14, 2008 H1: Death and Taxes With Dennis Prager Prager H1: Yesterday Chris Wallace pounded Rudy Giuliani on his decision to wait to take his stand in Florida rather than New Hampshire. Rudy gamely … Continue reading

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A letter to the editor of the Times

From Powerline: I’m quite sure there is no chance the New York Times will run this letter to the editor that Tom Lipscomb sent the paper and forwarded to us about yesterday’s page-one "killer vets" story: Last week there was … Continue reading

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Letter distributed over the weekend to the Los Angeles community

Sent in by a Los Angeles Chaptzem reader: Dear Los Angeles Kehilla member: In reference to self proclaimed Jewish leader Rabbi Meyer May’s public comments regarding the unfortunate Spinka arrest. In your first public statement, regarding the arrest, you announce … Continue reading

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A Sneer, a Tear, a Comeback

Charles Krauthammer writes: …This "Hillary cried, Obama died" story line is satisfying, but it overlooks an earlier moment played to a national television audience of 9 million that was even more revealing. It showed a side of Barack Obama not … Continue reading

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