Making It

Reb Hymen writes Luke:

I must admit to being of two minds on your recent attempt to monetize your web site (which is what we AARP folk call blogs).  On the one hand, it increasingly looks like a mess, a mass of mostly undifferentiated links that are not likely to result in sales for your sponsors.  On the other hand, who cares about them?  Does this actually work for you?

You have more to monetize than your blog, as my experiences in New York have proven.  I’m sure you’ve wondered how I’ve managed to support myself here.  The simple answer hasn’t been via some website nareshkeit or shady hokus-pokus, but just some pokus – escort work.  As you know, I’m now many decades past my prime (or what would have been my prime if I’d ever had one), and I’m about 150 pounds too heavy.  My wardrobe is very dated and what little hair I have is now white, but you know what?  None of that matters. The idea came to me while watching a DVD of "The Producers", in which the character played by Zero Mostel (like me, an old red) romances old ladies to raise money for his new theatre production.  That’s what I do, only without the production.  I offer my services to the 65-and-up woman (that’s the new 40, by the way) who may find herself in need of male companionship of one sort or another every now and then.  Sometimes cuddling is involved, and they seldom want more than that.  Anyway, who can’t use a good cuddle every now and then?

I have been doing this for several years and have been taking careful notes on what works and what does not.  I’m ready to share my experiences and am searching for a publisher who would be interested in helping me disseminate my hard-won knowledge to others.  Do you perchance have any friends in publishing who would be interested in such a work? 

Whether you do or do not, I think that being a FancyMan might be the ticket out of poverty for you.  LA has lots of former alpha-women of a certain age who are past their divorce and have all the money in the world, but no man with whom to enjoy it.  You could be that man Luke, and be living a good life, with lots of free time left over for studying the Talmud.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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