SanJoseCondos.Blogspot.Com Will Be My Salvation

You snooze, you lose. I am now the proud owner of this valuable domain. "San Jose Condos" has a KEI (Keyword Effectiveness Index) of 4,337.3 though only a top bid of $4.31 on Google Adsense.

There were 1,800 searches for this term last month.

You can start emailing in your applications now to be my apprentice.

If doesn’t deliver me, maybe will. Else I’m headed for

San Jose Fred emails: "Sir, I commend you.  You have aced me out on this valuable property.  What do you plan to do for content?"

Umm. Cut and paste?

Lewisafein: my son
Lewisafein: hows the blogging going
Lewisafein: whatever happened to that place where you interviewed?
Lewisafein: will you get a part-time job?
Luzdedos1: nada
Luzdedos1: i will blog till i drop
Lewisafein: till next friday?
Lewisafein: u have money for rent and food?
Luzdedos1: yeah, i have credit cards, i’m gonna learn this damn online business
Lewisafein: learn this damn online business? this ain’t compuserve
Luzdedos1: I just feel unbelievably awkward. I’m not used to trying to monetize etc.
Lewisafein: see: the orthodox ain’t helping you
Lewisafein: go reform
Lewisafein: blog about jamie juggs and make money
Lewisafein: orthodox sex scandals and cheap airline tickets will only blog your way to forest lawn
Lewisafein: rabbi beardstein doesn’t care if you starve
Lewisafein: are you at least exercising?
Luzdedos1: a lil walking
Lewisafein: an intervention may be in order
Luzdedos1: I don’t have enough friends to intervene
Lewisafein: i can bring stuffed animals as proxies
Lewisafein: mr. wiggles is worried about you, luke
Lewisafein: so basically, we’re witnessing the unfolding of "luke: the final chapter"
Lewisafein: will rabbi beardstein go on camera?
Lewisafein: I tried to help him, but the Talmud says: to look upon a naked calf is blasphemy. and luke, er levi, looked upon so very many naked calves (and breasts and vaginas). the gates of charity are closed

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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