Monthly Archives: January 2008

Father Frank Morales Has Two Old Flames Battling It Out Online Over Him

I blogged about Vanity Fair writer Nancy Jo Sales many years ago. She had a wacko affair with my friend Mark Kramer, the New York writer. I published that story eight years ago and I reprint it below. Let me … Continue reading

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MRSA Staph Infection

I call a friend in the porn industry who I haven’t spoken to in three months. Luke: "How are you?" Friend: "You mean aside from the fact that I almost died?" Luke: "No! How did that happen?" Friend: "I got … Continue reading

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I Can Rocket You To (Near) The Top In Google

I’m doing video interviews with friends in the professions (such as therapist, masseuse, doctor, lawyer, etc) and uploading them to 30 or more video sharing services such as youtube. It’s a great way to promote your service and to get … Continue reading

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The Looming John Edwards Love Child Scandal

From BigHeadDC: From Politico today: Recently Couric got attention with CBS’s “Primary Questions” series — especially since one segment focused on asking candidates the uncomfortable question about marital infidelity, which was linked prominently on the Drudge Report. Is it just … Continue reading

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Mitt Romney Is The Road To Nowhere

David Brooks writes: If Romney is the general election candidate, he will face hostility from independent voters, who value authenticity. He will face hostility from Hispanic voters, who detest his new immigration positions. He will face great hostility in the … Continue reading

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