The Looming John Edwards Love Child Scandal

From BigHeadDC:

From Politico today:

Recently Couric got attention with CBS’s “Primary Questions” series — especially since one segment focused on asking candidates the uncomfortable question about marital infidelity, which was linked prominently on the Drudge Report.

Is it just us, or is there an undercurrent in the press that one of these people running for POTUS has cheated? And, mind you, that’s despite strong denials from John Edwards that he cheated with Rielle Hunter.

Mickey Kaus blogs for

…I think John Edwards is facing an unaddressed (or insufficiently addressed) potential scandal in the person of Rielle Hunter, about whom the National Enquirer has made some sensational allegations and about whom the Edwards camp has behaved very strangely. (Relevant denials included in the second Enquirer link.) I’m not worried that this scandal will surface in August after the convention. I think the scandal will surface in a matter of days or weeks should Edwards win in Iowa. Right now the MSM is giving him a pass because–hey, why bring it up and hurt his wife if he’s going to lose anyway.

Because he’s gotten a pass, Edwards has had weeks to figure out the best way to defuse any press coverage–or, if any of the accusations prove to be accurate, how to play them, The worry, then, is that Edwards might stave off a scandal effectively enough to get the nomination from the sympathetic party faithful, but be a far weaker general election candidate for it.

…Rielle Hunter is a potential problem to consider! Please read the Enquirer story and decide if you think the semi-official pro-Edwards line about who is the father, etc. seems convincing to you, despite it’s contradictions. I don’t trust the Enquirer, but they’ve gotten some big stories right in the past.)I have faith that you will make the right decision. … Actually, no. I have zero faith that you will make the right decision. You thought Kerry was electable! Iowa caucusers have a track record as miserable judges of political horseflesh. I’m counting on New Hampshire, a real primary where more than a super-motivated minority actually does the deciding.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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