Tag Archives: nbsp

Rabbi Gadol Fears For My Neshama

The holy rabbi — he’s not a compromising Modern Orthodox, he’s the real thing, a fair dinkum rabbi — is in my chat room right now dispensing brachas: RabbiGadol:  A nice woman, his age, from a good family.  Very much … Continue reading

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I Plan, Sherre Laughs

So a couple of weeks ago, the publicist for Rabbi Sherre Hirsch’s first book, We Plan, God Laughs, invited me to email in questions for the rabbi. I did. Five days later, the publicist emails me to say that the … Continue reading

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I’m Live On My Cam!

Click here to join the fun. Guest43:  luke you are a grecian god without any formula Guest43:  mmm… breakfast of champions welshdragon:  lo u’re up early Guest43:  he was partying with they young ones last night welshdragon:  just got out … Continue reading

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Rabbi Steven Weil To Lead Orthodox Union

Amy Klein writes for the Jewish Journal: Rabbi Steven Weil, Senior Rabbi of Beth Jacob Congregation in Beverly Hills, has been named executive vice president of the Orthodox Union, which serves as the education, outreach and social service organization for Orthodox synagogues.   The O.U. has been engaged in … Continue reading

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I’m Live On My Cam!

Click here to join the fun and pour some sugar on me! Emma: Is it peaceful in shul? guest85:  its only peaceful when suntanning in the back yard of ones house Emma:  He looks peaceful when he is sunbathing… russiandragon:  … Continue reading

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