Conversion Ain’t Easy

I ran into a friend. He’s converting to Orthodox Judaism. It is taking much longer than he expected.

“You should expect a couple of years,” I told him.

“Is the rabbi testing me?” he asked. “The rabbi says I’m ready but he keeps me waiting. I’ve stopped going to shacharit in the morning. I only go on Shabbos.”

“I don’t know if he’s testing you,” I said, “but conversion ain’t easy. You can’t follow your feelings and get ticked. You have to keep showing up every day. You have to get a good job. The observant Jewish life is an expensive one. And after you convert, you need to get married. There’s a lot of pressure in Jewish life. There’s never a time when you can just coast on your laurels.”

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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