Monthly Archives: June 2012

The Jews Of Palermo

Historian Marc B. Shapiro writes: “Note how R. Ovadiah testifies that while the Jews in Palermo were careful about not drinking non-Jewish wine, which was noteworthy since elsewhere in Italy Jews routinely consumed this, their sexual morality and observance of … Continue reading

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When Is It Kosher To Forge?

Throughout my life, I’ve noticed that otherwise righteous people are willing to lie if they think it can do good. Historian Marc B. Shapiro writes: “If you are convinced of the correctness of your position, it is not hard to … Continue reading

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Depending On Government Vs. Depending On Yourself

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Newspapers Promoting An Agenda

David Carr writes: “There is a growing worry that the falling value and failing business models of many American newspapers could lead to a situation where moneyed interests buy papers and use them to prosecute a political and commercial agenda.” … Continue reading

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All Defects Of Character

Alcoholic Anonymous started 72 years ago yesterday. Step Six of the Twelve Steps is: “We’re entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.” I’ve not been able to surrender to this step yet. I have too many … Continue reading

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