Monthly Archives: June 2012

The Goy

6:15 a.m. I’m studying Torah with the rabbi. There’s a loud knocking at the front door. I get up grumpily and walk to the door and open it. There’s a goy outside. A female goy. A shiksa. She looks latina … Continue reading

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I Can’t Drink Coffee

If I drink more than a cup of regular coffee, I get jittery, anxious and don’t sleep well. I toss and turn and curse my fate. I might even get up and blog in the early morning hours. I must … Continue reading

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President Obama Decides To Not Enforce Immigration Law

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “How do you know at what age a person [illegally] came to the country? Isn’t by definition a person who comes over illegally, there’s no track record.” “Why can’t you say, I … Continue reading

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Six Days Shomer Brit!

I realize I used to store up eroticized rage scenarios through the day to treasure during alone time. Now no treasuring. I wonder how this will change me? I went about 15 months in 1990-1991 as I got into Judaism. … Continue reading

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He Left It All On The Field

“If you keep writing as you’re writing, will you accomplish the things you want to accomplish in the rest of your life?” his therapist asked him. He thought about that for a long time and finally, reluctantly, quietly, answered, “no.” … Continue reading

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