Monthly Archives: March 2012

Yisroel Pensack: None Dare Call It Conservadox

Practically around the corner from where I live is a big old synagogue called Congregation Chevra Thilim that describes itself as “San Francisco’s oldest Orthodox congregation.” Chevra Thilim is currently undergoing a $1.6-million, months-long renovation, upgrade and expansion of its social hall building, which is … Continue reading

Posted in Chabad, Conservative Judaism, Conservatives, Dovid Eliezrie, Judaism, Modern Orthodox, Orthodoxy, San Francisco, Synagogue, Torah, Yisroel Pensack | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Yisroel Pensack: None Dare Call It Conservadox

Get Ready For Female Modern Orthodox Rabbis

Historian Marc B. Shapiro writes: Leaving aside the issue of serving as a dayan, it is obvious to me that women rabbis are coming to Modern Orthodoxy, even if the powers that be are standing firmly against it. Yet they … Continue reading

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Was Isadore Twersky A Rationalist Or A Mystic?

Marc B. Shapiro was Harvard professor Isadore Twersky‘s last major student. In his fifth lecture on R. Chaim Ozer Grodzinksi for Torah in Motion, history professor Marc B. Shapiro says: If you went to Rabbi Isadore Twersky’s shul on Shabbos … Continue reading

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Los Angeles Jewish Film Festival Rejects Important New Documentary About Rabbinic Sexual Abuse

How can L.A. festival chief Hilary Helstein continue after this? She’s a disgrace. How can she reject this new film recently written up in the Washington Post? Hilary Helstein Is Hilary right when she says this is a community that … Continue reading

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Student Jailed For Racist Tweets

Holy cow! Europe doesn’t have free speech. I’m glad I don’t live there. SWANSEA, Wales (AP) — The student who mocked Bolton midfielder Fabrice Muamba on Twitter after the player collapsed on the field during a match has been jailed … Continue reading

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