Daily Archives: February 8, 2012

More Muslims In America!

Many of my friends do not want more Muslims in America (though they’ll never say this in polite company). I point out to them the proud history of Islam but this is to no avail. They ask me which majority … Continue reading

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Is Life Going By Too Fast?

I have a bad habit of looking at my cell phone every couple of minutes to check for emails and voice messages. It’s easy to get sucked into destructive habits like this and you lose your life to distractions. How … Continue reading

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Warrior Tom Hardy

British actor Tom Hardy starred in the rousing 2011 movie Warrior. He played a mixed-martial arts fighter. I also saw Tom Hardy in the British show The Take, where he played a thug. I notice that when Hardy plays a … Continue reading

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Separate Vacations

I first heard about separate vacations about 20 years ago and I was shocked. My friend said separate vacations enhances a marriage. It sounded to me like a bitter statement from a bitter man about a marriage in trouble. On … Continue reading

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Can There Be A Compromise On Gay Marriage?

A caller to Dennis Prager’s radio show today: “I’m a conservative. I talk to a lot of gays about gay marriage. I tell them, I’m fine with them having the same rights as straight marriage, all I ask is for … Continue reading

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