Monthly Archives: February 2012

The Los Angeles Guardian Angels

It’s not unusual for me to be awoken in the middle of the night by the sound of a whirring police helicopter right above me and a light shining in my window and cops yelling through a loudspeaker, “Luke Ford! … Continue reading

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Don’t Crack Your Neck!

Many of my students have a habit of cracking their neck. I know this brings momentary release but it damages your neck in the long run. It’s best not to crack your joints. Report: If you often crack or pop … Continue reading

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How Can You Figure Out Your Purpose In Life?

I heard an Orthodox rabbi recommend that before you go to bed, you reflect back on the holy moments of the day when you felt most alive. Write them down. They’re a guide to your purpose in life.

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I Have A Friendly Face!

I feel isolated much of the time. Standoffish. Most people, I don’t feel much inclination to get to know them. I frequently feel lonely in a crowd. I’ll go to a conference one weekend and there might be only one … Continue reading

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NYT: Even Critics of Safety Net Increasingly Depend on It

The New York Times considers this matter wondrous. How can people who want to reduce government welfare spending take government welfare? I see no contradiction. I might wish that my wife not make a particular dish every week, but if … Continue reading

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