Tag Archives: inhibition

But That’s Not The Alexander Technique!

The most infuriating phrase I hear these days is, “But that’s not the Alexander Technique!” I remember hearing it first about 18-months ago from a fellow trainee who told me, “But good use is not the Alexander Technique.” So why … Continue reading

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Marketing The Benefits Of Alexander Technique Without The Off-Putting Alexander Language

The two most successful new teachers of Alexander Technique in California are Amira Alvarez in Berkeley and Sharon Jakubecy in downtown Los Angeles. They both have slick websites that stress the benefits of the Technique but don’t use the unattractive … Continue reading

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The Ambivalent Relationship Between Alexander Technique And Mainstream Healthcare

Alexander Technique does not claim to cure disease. It does not pretend to be a therapy. Instead, it is an educational technique for learning to move the way the body likes to move. I’m reading an interesting British study of … Continue reading

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I’ve Got A Clean Story

I was walking today with several students of the Alexander Technique when I made a sudden announcement, "Hey, I’ve got a clean story." Everybody turned to me and stared. And then they started laughing. After I relayed my story, about … Continue reading

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