Monthly Archives: November 2011

It Looks Like Herman Cain Is Toast

These sexual harassment allegations suddenly got specific. A real woman went public with real details. This will sink Herman Cain’s candidacy. So who’s left? What’s the conservative alternative to Mitt Romney? It seems like Newt Gingrich is the one conservative … Continue reading

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Majority of Security Council Members Vote for Palestinian Statehood Recognition at UNESCO

Do you want to see more about how the vote breaks down? We’ve got charts showing how various international groups voted on Palestinian statehood recognition.

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What To Do About Negative Self-Talk

Many people when they are on a date are worried about what the other person is thinking about them. Many people at work are worried about what the boss thinks of them. Many people at school are worried about what … Continue reading

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If Herman Cain Falls, Only Newt Gingrich Remains

I was looking up the the other day, and I saw poll results from the Republican presidential race blazened across the top of the site. Herman Cain and Mitt Romney led the way but Newt Gingrich was a solid … Continue reading

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8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back: Natural Posture Solutions for Pain in the Back, Neck, Shoulder, Hip, Knee, and Foot (Remember When It Didn’t Hurt)

Author Esther Gokhale tells Direction Journal: “In the Western world, we’ve forgotten how to use our bodies.” “I blame a couple of things. One is the fashion industry. Around WWI, it became fashionable to tuck the pelvis. The flapper look. … Continue reading

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