Daily Archives: October 12, 2011

Rick Perry Looks And Sounds Like A Defeated Man

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “During the debate last night, Rick Perry looked and sounded like a defeated man. It’s hard to imagine the American people electing him president. At this time, it looks like Herman Cain … Continue reading

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Anthony Weiner’s Disgrace Deepens…

…as the realm of privacy shrinks. A guy can’t even sext these days without it turning into a book! The Daily Mail reports: Heartbreak for Huma as new messages reveal how Anthony Weiner called her parents ‘backwards thinking’ and compared … Continue reading

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Preparing For Tough Times

“You’re doing three smart things,” a secular Jew told me this week. “You’ve joined a tight community (Orthodox Judaism) where people help each other. You’ve learned a skill (teaching Alexander Technique) that you can make money from anywhere. And you’ve … Continue reading

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Who’s The Most Expensive Alexander Technique Teacher In The World?

I believe that person is Tommy Thompson in Massachusetts. He charges $150 for a lesson. Most Alexander Technique teachers charge between $50-$120 per lesson (which typically lasts about 45 minutes).

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What Goes On In A Typical Alexander Technique Lesson?

I charge $100 for a 45-minute lesson. If my student is in pain, I’ll typically have him lie down and I’ll use my hands and my questions to help him notice patterns of unnecessary tension and to let them go. … Continue reading

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