Daily Archives: August 11, 2011

Is Sex Without Love OK?

Prior to my conversion to Orthodox Judaism, I sought as much sex as possible (without spending much time, money, effort or dignity), but I’ve always hated illegal drugs and have shied away from people who indulge in them. Robert Kurzban … Continue reading

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The Mommy Track

Kate posts: “I’m not a mommy-track type, but I can see the appeal. If you want to earn more money, learn to demand it. Or negotiate, to use a nicer word. When I was a producer, I was, frankly, very … Continue reading

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Fred Astaire Embodied Alexander Technique

Alexander teacher Robert Rickover says: “Many times with new students, I suggest that if they want to see examples of the kind of use that Alexander Technique promotes, to take a look at someone like Fred Astaire. While he did … Continue reading

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Time For Bert & Ernie To Marry?

From Fox News: AN online push is underway to pressure the producers of Sesame Street into having Bert and Ernie get married. More than 900 people have signed a petition about the pair of platonic puppets on Change.org as of … Continue reading

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