Daily Archives: August 11, 2011

Erin Brockovich and the Beverly Hills: Greenscam by Norma Zager

From Amazon.com: “This timely exposé reveals Erin Brockovich’s role in inciting public fear regarding the oil well at Beverly Hills High School. The author describes how Brockovich’s methods to link the oil well with cancer occurrences in former students were … Continue reading

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20 Years Since The Crown Heights Pogrom

Former New York Times reporter Ari Goldman writes: Yet, when I picked up the paper, the article I read was not the story I had reported. I saw headlines that described the riots in terms solely of race. “Two Deaths … Continue reading

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The Conservative View On The Labor Riots

Dennis Prager endorses this column by Max Hastings: They are essentially wild beasts. I use that phrase advisedly, because it seems appropriate to young people bereft of the discipline that might make them employable; of the conscience that distinguishes between … Continue reading

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What’s Wrong With Kids Picking Berries?

I used to pick berries when I was a kid. I remember picking blackberries at Pacific Union College from age 11 on. Kids are good at picking berries. They’ve got the little fingers adept at reaching into vines and brambles … Continue reading

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How Much Do You Tense Up When You Simply Think About Standing?

Bob Lada, an Alexander Technique teacher in Cambridge, Massachusetts, tells Robert Rickover: “When I say stand up, I want you to start to stand up but not actually do it and sense what is going on. Go ahead, stand up … Continue reading

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