Daily Archives: August 29, 2011

Legal Protection For The Ugly

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “I have not met an ugly person. What they mean is the least attractive. “If you are unattractive, you should do everything you can to become more attractive. If society says that … Continue reading

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Would You Rather Work For A Man Or A Woman?

The Disney years (beginning 8/5/95) at KABC radio were not a happy time for Dennis Prager, nor almost anyone at the station. New program director Maureen Lesourd called him in to reprove him for using the word “thesis. Use view, … Continue reading

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Jerusalem Post Fires Larry Derfner For Justifying Terrorist Attack On Israelis

Larry Derfner is a far-left Israel-hating writer who has frequently contributed to the Jewish Journal of Los Angeles. How could an Israel-hater contribute to the Jewish Journal of Los Angeles? Because the Jewish Journal is a leftist publication and the … Continue reading

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When You Watched News Coverage Of Hurricane Irene, You Realized How Secondary FEMA Is

Bill Kristol made this point on Fox News this afternoon. State and local government have the primary response to disasters. I suppose FEMA was particularly needed in New Orleans because so many people there were sucking on the welfare teat … Continue reading

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The Modern Orthodox – Haredi Split

Marc B. Shapiro writes: In Europe, every small town had a rav. Sometimes the rav was an adherent of Agudah, and other times a follower of Mizrachi. But as far as the townspeople were concerned, that didn’t matter. He was … Continue reading

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