Daily Archives: August 10, 2011

The Five Relations Of Mind-Body Awareness

Alexander Technique teacher Sandra Bain Cushman focuses on mind-body disciplines. In an interview with Robert Rickover, Sandra says: “Because it has been around so long and is so well developed, I see the Alexander Technique as the foremost method for … Continue reading

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Are Women More Spiritual?

David Suissa writes: That idea is a woman’s spiritual edge over man. I got a taste of that edge last Friday night at Temple Beth Am, where a packed house welcomed their new cantor, Magda Fishman, a soulful trumpet player … Continue reading

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Op Ed: Adieu to “for Thou hast not made me a woman”

Rabbi Yosef Kanefsky wrote last week: I’ve stopped blessing God every morning for “not having made me a woman”. Women have come a long way in Orthodox Judaism over the past few decades, in particular in the realm of study … Continue reading

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Rabbi Yosef Kanefsky Replaces Original Post On Morning Blessing

Debra responds: Rabbi Kanefsky, Though you may have changed some of the language of your earlier post, I assume you still hold what you wrote earlier to be true. Ealier you wrote: ” . . . Simply for lack of … Continue reading

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