Monthly Archives: August 2011

The Ambivalent Relationship Between Alexander Technique And Mainstream Healthcare

Alexander Technique does not claim to cure disease. It does not pretend to be a therapy. Instead, it is an educational technique for learning to move the way the body likes to move. I’m reading an interesting British study of … Continue reading

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The Challenge To Orthodox Judaism From Within

Rabbi Dov Fischer writes: This is the Way of the new challenge to Mesorah emanating from “Morethodoxy,” the International Rabbinic Fellowship (IRF), and the Chovevei Torah seminary (YCT). As new demands from them emerge to ordain women rabbis, to conduct … Continue reading

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Britain’s Moral Decay

By Jonathan Rosenblum, on August 19th, 2011 Riots that started in London’s Hackney neighborhood last week spread quickly across London and to other large British cities, as rioters saw policemen standing back as they looted and burned. Meanwhile, in major … Continue reading

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What Is Wrong With Britain?

Just as the 1991 Los Angeles Riots provoked soul-searching on the part of this city, the London Riots are causing a rethink of social policy in Great Britain in particular and the western world in general. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach writes: … Continue reading

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Is This What Discrimination Looks Like?

A few weeks ago, the rabbi of Bnai David-Judea wrote that he was no longer saying the morning blessing “Thank you God for not making me a woman” because it reflected bigotry towards women and that Orthodox Judaism had a … Continue reading

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