Tag Archives: family purity

Is This What Discrimination Looks Like?

A few weeks ago, the rabbi of Bnai David-Judea wrote that he was no longer saying the morning blessing “Thank you God for not making me a woman” because it reflected bigotry towards women and that Orthodox Judaism had a … Continue reading

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Rabbi Avi Weiss’s Bridge Too Far On Female Orthodox Rabbis

Rabbi Avi Weiss miscalculated. He thought he could get support on this issue without talking to anyone. His approach was the opposite of Chana Henkin‘s. She created a limited semicha (rabbinic ordination) for women to rule on Jewish law. She … Continue reading

Posted in Chana Henkin, Haredi, Orthodoxy, R. Avi Weiss, R. Yosef Kanefsky, YCT | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Rabbi Avi Weiss’s Bridge Too Far On Female Orthodox Rabbis

Gay Marriage Battle Lost

Rabbi Gil Student writes: Our interest is in the cultural atmosphere. As Orthodox Jews, we believe that homosexuality is not the norm. While we do not want to legislate what people do in their bedrooms and we certainly oppose discrimination … Continue reading

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Naked Gentile Chick

Yael Goldstein writes for Jewcy: “Oh, and wear something bordering on appropriate,” my mother says into the phone, an hour before my cousin’s wedding. “Hrmm,” I say noncommittally, reaching deep into my closet for an item that to the untrained … Continue reading

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