Daily Archives: June 28, 2011

My Anguish Over Hot Orthodox Married Women Dressing Provocatively

I got this tip from Heshy Fried about a letters column in the Jewish Press: Dear Rachel, I am writing this out of my soul-piercing anguish at the epidemic of married “frum” women who dress provocatively. They shamelessly dare to … Continue reading

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I Believe Michelle Bachman Will Be The Next President Of The United States

You deride my prediction? Which part do you find difficult to buy? She has the clearest path to the Republican nomination. And President Obama will have a hard time turning out his base (because of his approach on Afghanistan, Iraq, … Continue reading

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So Why Was a Man in Panties and a Bra Allowed to Fly?

Dennis Prager writes: On June 9, a man boarded a US Airways flight from Fort Lauderdale to Phoenix, dressed in women’s panties, a bra and thigh-high stockings. No US Airways employee at the Fort Lauderdale airport asked him to cover … Continue reading

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Sit Up Straight To Avoid Back Pain

From the New York Times: If you want a more systematic, long-term approach to posture change, consider the Alexander technique, a method that teaches you how recognize and release habitual tension that interferes with good posture. Not all doctors in … Continue reading

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Parashat Chukkat (Numbers 19:1-22:1)

I discuss the weekly Torah portion with Rabbi Rabbs every Monday at 7pm PST on my live cam and on YouTube. Facebook Fan Page. This week we study Parashat Chukkat (Numbers 19:1-22:1).

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