Monthly Archives: June 2011

When Mr Fix It Takes Over My Brain

When I am quiet and still, Mr. Fix It takes over my brain. He says I should do this and that and abstain from doing certain things I like and that come naturally. He says I need to work harder … Continue reading

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This Week’s Torah Portion – Parashat Shelach (Numbers 13:1-15:41)

I discuss the weekly Torah portion with Rabbi Rabbs every Monday at 7pm PST on my live cam and on YouTube. This week we study Parashat Shelach (Numbers 13:1-15:41). Watch the videos. * How are Rabbi Rabbs’s criticisms of the … Continue reading

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What Do You Notice? II

Greg Leake emails: Hi Luke, A few days ago you posted a piece entitled “What do you notice“? in reference to the Alexander Technique. I couldn’t help but be struck by the similarities I encountered describing the Zen Buddhist practice … Continue reading

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Jewish TV Newscast

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What To Do With Luke

“Nobody knew what to do with his brain,” said a 1982 classmate of mine at Placer High School. “He was so hyper-verbal.” I often don’t know what to do with myself. I guess I should take comfort in other people … Continue reading

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