Monthly Archives: August 2010

Orthodox Rabbi Dovid Orlofsky Attacks Bloggers

Here’s the controversy. Rabbi Shimon Kurland writes: Thank you for your email regarding Rabbi Orlofsky. The clip you heard on the internet was from a shiur Rabbi Orlofsky gave over five years ago to a group of Kollel students in … Continue reading

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Morning Miracle: Inside the Washington Post A Great Newspaper Fights for Its Life

I’m reading this new book by Dave Kindred. Here’s what is grabbing my attention: Walter Pincus says the reason he became a news reporter was to “change the world.” (Pg. xx) I don’t want to get my news from people … Continue reading

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Heshy Fried Needs A New Car So He Can Get Married

Heshy Fried blogs: “My car almost died. It overheated and we had to stand around picking blackberries on the side of a dirt road before I could get it started again. I need a new one and I’m asking you … Continue reading

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Qualifications For A Good Judge

In a 1996 lecture on Exodus 17, Dennis Prager says: What isn’t listed? Even hinted at for what a judge in Israel ought to be? What’s missing is loving and compassionate. Nothing about that is mentioned. The Torah has words … Continue reading

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How Are You Supposed To Refer To Black In Hebrew & Yiddish?

I thought the Hebrew word “cushi” meant African. So a “cushi mamzer“, a common slang term in Israel, means “black bastard.” Now I learn cushi means nigger. I thought the Yiddish word shvartze simply meant black but now I learn … Continue reading

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